Monday, September 16, 2013


B as in Body Language

Body language refers to forms of non-verbal communication, where a person reveals clues as to some unspoken intention or feeling through their physical behavior.

 These days everybody knows about body language.  When someone crosses their arms in front of their chest, it means a kind of rejection.  But do we know that our whole appearance is body language, a key to what we want to communicate to those around us?  And even knowing this, why are we so reluctant to work on our appearance?

I think part of it, and I can tell you this because I live in a college town, has to do with people believing that they can’t be intelligent, have a brain, and at the same time look their best.  So the result of this is that we see more and more shlumpy-looking people trying to emphasize their intellectuality.  This is so sad!

Like always, I am NOT talking about designer clothes, not even about other expensive apparel.  I’m talking about the way you present yourself and this has to do with pose, posture, and movement.  Very often, of course, it happens by itself that when you get interested in your own appearance, you also become interested in your wardrobe.  This can be very different for every person -- from a new pair of jeans to show off your new way of walking, to a handbag that you carry just the right way, to a pair of shoes because now you know how to use the arches of your feet.
Is it superficial that our appearance matters?  Perhaps, but obviously we humans are very visual and look at our surroundings, so this is only natural.  What is superficial is the conclusions that we draw from our view.  Wouldn’t it be nice if we were really judged only on our inner beauty?  But it doesn’t happen that way in this life!

The proof is in my other passion -- rescue dogs.  How do you think they’re chosen by good people who only want the best for them?  First by appearance, then by temperament.  A black dog has to wear a colorful bandana around her neck to even be noticed.  Yes, that’s sad, but a reality.

So believe me, to work a little on your appearance really does help in many ways, i.e. to get a job.  No, this is not discrimination because everybody can do it without investing a fortune.  Discrimination would be if they take the prettier, thinner person, not the one who presents themselves better.

Appearance is body language that can be learned like you learn a foreign language.  GOOD LUCK!

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